Thank you for your interest in becoming a Registered Agent
 with Resi.Land.

By registering you will gain access to the agents only area of our site where you can download high-res images, EPCs and floorplans. You will also be able to view building specific notes, such as entry codes and viewing availability.

You will also have the option to receive our weekly lettings list, details of our incentives and invitations to events hosted periodically throughout the year. Once you enter your agency name, branch/ office and postcode, the system will check to see if your agency is already registered or if you will need to register the agency's details.

Once you complete this stage you will then need to confirm your agency and then register yourself as an agent; creating your own unique username and password which you will use to login to your own Agents Area.

If you have any questions, contact the lettings team on 020 7408 5155.