Off Market Properties to buy or let

We frequently renovate and refurbish apartments and often launch our properties quietly first, to ensure only the most serious of buyers or renters are made aware of their availability.

The best way to stay ahead and to keep in the know about everything in the London property market, is to contact us directly. or to sign-up to receive our off-market properties.

Here you can set your preferences so that we can gain a strong understanding of what you're after in a property, and then only present you with the best off market opportunities, alongside our wider portfolio, to find the right property for you.

To further discuss what opportunities are currently available, contact a member of our sales or letting team today.

If you would like to find out about renting in London with Resi.Land, get in touch today.

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59-60 Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 3HZ.

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